Wednesday 11 September 2013

High class problems

I dont know so much about this blog today. It keeps asking me to change my language settings! Every word is underlined as if I were back at school. So I will continue on regardless, I never did much good there anyway. When I got to Leon yesterday, I couldnt find the hotel. No big deal, but no one else could either, neither the police or taxi drivers so after two hours. I decided to push on and walked my first 11km to La Virgin de Camino. (there arent very many of them left, I would say!). A reasonable hostel with absolutely no facilities and a tiny town greeted me with pleasant disregard to my needs. Coming in late as I had, I got the top bunk bed. That would be alright if it were not for my shoulder, which has me move around alot at night and therefore, rest was out of the question in case I fell off of it. Today, I am pleased to say that I walked 22kms from 7am to 1pm. I kept up with the other pilgrims and I have the blisters to prove it. By the way, I have discovered, I have hips today, simply by the soreness and my shoulders come in a close second for painful awareness. When stopping, the trick is to get going again and once a km is done, then it is easy enough to deny the aches until we stop again. The people on the way in the cafes are pretty friendly. This new hostel I am in is a much better setup and I must take some photos of it. It is a great place, plus I got a bottom bunk which means some chance of shut eye, tonight. I also had a second go at washing my clothes today. Yesterday was fine but I tried it too late and the night arrived before I got any drying done. Today I was early and believe it or not, I succeeded. Well, with the help of a dear German lady who took the time out of her day, to scorn me for not doing it right! Ever the good student, little did she know that she did me a favour as I learnt another trick on this trip. How to have dry clothes for the next day. As you all notice, for such a low tech guy that I am, there remains a lot of milage on my words. Today was a first though the longest I have walked in my life and the willingness to continue abusing my body on this way!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Maur. This is already inspiring, and you've barely begun.

    I'm almost as impressed with your technical abilities too! :-)

    Look forward to reading updates on how your journey is going. Keep an eye out for them virgins.
